Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Diet Bet

        Let me tell you, … Just let me tell you about DietBet. This is probably the best motivation I've found for weight loss! Diet bet is basically exactly was a it sounds like; its a diet that you bet on. Basically, you create an account and depending on which diet bet you chose to do, you will have to pay about $25-$35(?) to enter. Lets say you enter a One-month challenge, you have that one month to lose 4% of your starting weight. At the end of the game, if you've lost the 4% but the end of the game, not only do you win YOUR money back, but you also win some of the money from the people who also entered but dint win. 

        HERE IS THE CATCH: You can't cheat. You take pictures in the beginning and the end of the challenge, of yourself in "airport attire" and they also give you a keyword to place by the scale while you stand on it. Snap those pictures and submit it to be reviewed by official referees.  I did the 4% challenge a while back ago when ShayCarl (Youtuber; Shayloss) did one and I lost because my Aunt Flow decided to visit me during my last weigh in; Needless to say I was so excited for her visit. 

        This time, I'm doing the 6-Month, 10% challenge. Same rules apply but you are to lose 10% in 6-Months with a $25 monthly bet. So, if I don't win this one, I'm a schmuck and lose a lot of money; And if money isn't motivation enough to keep up with physical exercise and my running goals, I don't know what is… *cough, cough* Ryan Gosling…

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